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5 мар. 2011 г.

I don't want to talk

At the local milongas,
surrounded by good friends,
it's very common to hear,
How's work?
How are things going?
What's new with you?

I don't mean to be evasive.
I really do want to be connected.
To let people know how I am.
I am grateful to be cared for.

It's just that the milonga is . . .

. . . too many cliches to finish that sentence.
Too many words and not enough meaning.
That's the real problem right there.
Too many words.

At the milongas, for a few hours,
I am not haunted by my past,
or worried for my future.

I am human.
a whole human being,
moment to moment,
tanda to tanda.

So just sometimes,
I don't want to talk.

Please know that I am grateful.
But let the music tell my story.
And I'll dance the answers to your questions
whether I mean to or not.


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